About Chrissy

Hey there! I’m Chrissy, the lady behind Wood It Good.  I bet you want to know who I am and what makes me qualified to talk about woodworking.  Well, first things first…

I love making stuff.

I use saws, chisels, and lots of imagination to turn plain wood into cool things. I sure hope you’ll hang out and learn to do it with me!

Before we get in too deep, if you need to get a hold of me, you can contact me here!

A birdhouse I made, in my backyard.

How I Got Started!

Woodworking is more than just a hobby for me, it’s a family tradition. I grew up in New England with my grandpa, where our family did all kinds of projects. (Anyone else remember making snow cream?)

He was a woodworking pro, and he taught me everything I know.

He showed me how to use tools, read plans and eventually come up with my own projects. His workshop was like a second home to me. The first big project I made all by myself was a birdhouse.

Cliché, I know. But it’s cliché for a reason! They are easy to make and show off in your yard and the birds love them.

As I got older, my love for woodworking grew. Now, as a mom to three kids, I’m passing on what my grandpa taught me. It’s awesome to see my kids get excited about making stuff.

Talk about a great way to make memories and have time together too.

Watching them get excited gave me an idea…

Why Am I Making This Blog?

I don’t want to keep the fun to myself and my family. That’s why I started Wood It Good.

It’s a place where anyone can learn about woodworking, whether you’re just starting out or you already know what you’re doing.

You’ll find all kinds of helpful tips, projects, and inspiration here. I even know how to find classes if you want more hands on training!

So, if you’re eager to learn new skills, get ideas for your next project, or simply enjoy the beauty of woodworking, I’d love for you to join me.

Let’s explore all the amazing things we can create!

Here’s to sawdust-filled days, smooth finishes, and the endless fun of woodworking.

I’m looking forward to seeing you guys around, so don’t be afraid to drop me a line either in the comments or through my contact area!